My Go-To NPX Packages

27th April 2021

CodingWeb DevelopmentLinux

Get a notification when a long running terminal task is complete.

npx okimdone npm install

Check npm packages to see if they are out of date

npx npm-check

-u - Interactive Updates
-y - Update everything
-s - Skip unused
-g - Global

Add things to .gitignore automatically

npx goops

Make cool writing for terminals

npx figlet-cli <text>

Check node_modules folders on your machine

npx npkill

Copy a react component smartly

npx generact

Show .json files in the terminal all pretty like

npx fx package.json

Show and manage system status

npx vtop

See your current networks password

npx wifi-password-cli

Make your localhost accessible to the world

npx localtunnel --port 8000

`npm run develop` on a gatsby site
`npx localtunnel --port 8000` will give you a URL to access from anywhere.

Generate an image of your code. This can take a while as it opens chrome.

npx carbon-now-cli <file>

-s - Line to start from
-e - Line to end on
-i - Interactive (Asks a lot of questions)